Established for over 60 years
Fleet of 20 vehicles
Quality customer service
We offer dedicated bus services to Churchdown School Academy.

The Bus Pass Dept is open Monday to Friday from 0930 until 1630 for queries and application drop offs.
Are you looking for a company that can provide your child with safe and reliable transport to the Churchdown School Academy?
With dedicated bus routes picking up at convenient collection points in the Gloucester catchment area, why look any further?
We operate the buses on an Annual Pass basis which must be applied for each year. This means that there is no facility for pupils to turn up and pay the driver at any time. Please see below for application information.
FAQ Section:
1 : When is the closing date?
All applications must be received by us by 30th June 2024 to guarantee a seat. The application form must be completed correctly, including the photo & deposit.
2 : Does the pass auto-renew?
No, the current pass is only valid until the end of the academic year in which it was applied for.
3 : Do a I need a separate application form for more than 1 child?
Providing the children live at the same address and the payment method will be the same, you can put up to three children on one application form.
4 : My child will be starting 6th Form but we don’t get the results until August.
Please apply by 30th June 2024 to secure a place. Providing you let us know before 26th August 2024 if your child will not be going into 6th Form, we will refund all monies paid.
5 : I have sent in my application but have not heard anything.
If you would like to check to see if we have received your application, you can email us. If there is anything wrong with your application, you will be contacted by email or telephone.
6 : I selected the Direct Debit payment option so what happens next?
As per the Travel Pack information, you will receive an email inviting you to set up your Direct Debit once we receive your application. Please drop us an email if you have any questions.
7: Why should I provide an email address if I’m not using the Direct Debit?
Email addresses are a great way for us to get in contact with you regarding your application or any changes to the bus service. We never pass on any details or use them for marketing purposes.
8: When do we receive the Bus Pass and timetable?
You should receive the Bus Pass and timetable approx. 7 days before your child is due to return to school.

If you require a space for your child to travel, please email
Parents/Guardians of students who travelled in academic year ‘23/24 will receive an email at the beginning of April ’24 with information on how to renew. Please ensure you have provide us with an updated email address since making your application last year. The email may arrive in your junk so please check here before contacting us.
Parents/Guardians who have students who have not travelled before, must email in March ’23 to request a travel pack (either a digital copy or a posted copy). The deadline will be Friday 28th June ’24.